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Poor engine performance and loss of horsepower?
Yes, our products can help!
Our team has developed a fuel maintenance program which implements the use of biocides, fuel conditioners, detergents and stabilizers which will keep fuel clear and bright year round.

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Our program includes complimentary fuel testing by a certified laboratory...we demonstrate that our products are performing!
Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC)
Stop It Now!
From corroded tanks to prematurely plugged filters to fouled injectors, our year-round maintenance program helps prevent microbial growth (MIC), the leading cause of these problems. Our fuel stabilizers, detergents, and dispersants are key to successful fuel storage.

Corroded EGR

STP Corrosion

Clogged FIlter

Microbial Growth

Filter Housing

Corroded STP


Fuel Cap

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